The ICC’s Debatable Approach to Justice!

Although the work of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is essential in upholding international law, it must recognize that it has failed in many cases to not only live up to its mandate to provide equal justice for all but also to be selective in its prosecution.

For decades, powerful and influential members of prominent governments have been able to evade international law, even threatening the ICC staff and preventing them from conducting their business as required by the court. Those threats have resulted in the cessation of investigations, delays in issuing arrest warrants, and even the dismissal of cases before they have been thoroughly investigated.

As of today, no leaders from prominent Western countries or NATO have been convicted of crimes against humanity or war crimes. Furthermore, despite significant evidence, there has not been a comprehensive investigation into these issues. This indicates that the International Criminal Court (ICC) may show bias and political favoritism, applying international law selectively.
