The war of the CIA and ideologies

Photo by Pavel Neznanov on Unsplash

The war in Ukraine has never been about the war itself but rather the escalations of ideologies between the U.S. and Russia.

From the beginning of the conflict and before, it became clear that Ukraine would be supplied with Western weapons and would receive substantial aid packages. However, the continuance of the efforts to “win” the war has become somewhat unrealistic.

Debating whether to escalate the war further by allowing Western missiles to be used for strikes against Moscow and other high-value targets shows that it would be a mistake – something that the Western Alliance cannot agree upon. Seeking approval from the wider audience is a typical political maneuver from the State Department and CIA. Not long ago, they were up to it when they sought approval to invade Iraq. Although they didn’t receive approval from the United Nations, they did it anyway. Ukraine is hardly the exception to the rule. The ongoing debate is just a shadow play of what is to come. The use of deadly force against Russia has already been decided and approved by the U.S. State Department and CIA. Now, it is only the question of how European people are tricked into believing the necessity of those strikes.

After decades of brainwashing, the people in Europe think that Russia and China are the ultimate enemy. There is no doubt that the CIA has used all its tricks to create an illusion that the East is just waiting for an appropriate moment to attack Europe and subdue it to communism. That assumption is false at every level and should not carry any further weight regarding whether or not it will happen. Against all the facts the CIA continues to depict, there is little the EU can do to prevent that from happening other than arming itself to the teeth. Ukraine, according to the U.S. State Department, is only a foretaste of what is to happen in coming years – escalation is just waiting to happen.

However, European people have failed to recognize that this is precisely what the U.S. wants and needs. The winners of the wider European conflict are undoubtedly the U.S. arms manufacturing industry and intelligence tech companies like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, Boeing, and Palantir Technologies.

The CIA’s false narrative has led to an increase in arms purchases in the EU and the construction of physical border walls that did not exist before February 2022. This has resulted in a steady influx of American arms into Europe, making the EU more dependent on American-made arms than those manufactured in Europe.

The game of ideologies has become a reality in Europe, and the European Union will be the fool.
